Introducing a practical webinar series featuring research-backed online tools and resources to support your decisions around land and water.
The Digital Toolshed is a webinar series guiding you through how to get the best from Our Land and Water's research-backed tools and resources. These practical webinars demonstrate what the tool does, who it's for, how to use it, and when and where use is appropriate.
Events in this series are focussed around a practical demonstration of an online tool, with discussion between researcher and/or technical developer and an end-user, to show how people can use and apply it to their own situation.
Tools range from enabling users to discover best crops for a given land-suitability, to understanding potential nitrogen and phosphorus reduction potential with specific local information to guide mitigations, to learning what actions are being taken at which catchments to help inform their own strategy.
Each event provides the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters, access to the tool, and links to the background research project for broader context. Video recordings of the webinars are made available on the Digital Toolshed webpage and are emailed to webinar registrants.
To see upcoming webinars in this series, and to view previous webinar videos, visit the Digital Toolshed.
Featured tools have been developed within research programmes funded by the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge.
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