The Our Land and Water National Science Challenge is looking for the right person to join our science leadership team, as science leader of our Pathways to Transition research theme.
The Our Land and Water National Science Challenge is looking for the right person to join our science leadership team, as science leader of our Pathways to Transition research theme.
The role and responsibilities of theme leaders are set out in the person specification. Each of our theme leaders (0.4 FTE) works across the Challenge, but with a primary responsibility for one of our three research themes.
Our current vacancy is for a leader for the Pathways to Transition theme. This theme works with land stewards and organisations in the agri-food and fibre system to design new options and pathways to achieve future landscapes and enhance te Taiao.
The research seeks to achieve significant impact on the sector, identify and explore new options and feasible pathways for change by 2024, and initiate a reconfiguration of the agri-food and fibre systems to realise these options and pathways by 2023.
New options and pathways to enhance te Taiao are being explored by land stewards and organisation in the agri-food and fibre system.
— Pathways to Transition theme impact goal for 2024
Our Land and Water is committed to working in a way that draws together te ao Māori and biophysical science systems in a uniquely New Zealand approach to transformative change in the agri-food and fibre system.
We would expect our Pathways to Transition theme leader to have a research background that includes an understanding of how to achieve agri-food system change, with a willingness to actively engage with rural and agricultural organisations and communities. An understanding of te ao Māori, and how this can inform improved management approaches and outcomes across the primary production sector, is also a requirement.
If you have enthusiasm for the role, meet its requirements and have adequate time available, please submit a letter outlining your background, experience and overall fit with the person specification.
Letters should be emailed to Our Land and Water by Monday 1 November 2021.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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