The Our Land and Water directorate and governance group acknowledge the passing of Dr Sir Toby Curtis, with sadness and gratitude for his contribution to our work.
He aituā! The Our Land and Water directorate and governance group acknowledge the passing of Dr Sir Toby Curtis, with sadness and gratitude for his contribution to our work.
We were deeply privileged to have the benefit of Tā Toby's insight, leadership and influence through his contribution as a member of the Our Land and Water Kāhui Māori advisory board from 2016 to 2019.
“Tā Toby believed strongly in the Our Land and Water kaupapa and the integration of different knowledge systems, bringing te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori to the heart of the Challenge,” says Hone McGregor, chair of the Our Land and Water governance group.
Tā Toby (Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Rongomai, Te Arawa) strived to advance the interests of Māori and led efforts to secure the rights of Māori landowners and secure equity on climate change and forestry policy. He died aged 83 at his Lake Rotoiti home on Wednesday surrounded by his whānau.
Our Land and Water will strive to uphold his legacy.
Moe mai rā e te rangatira, ka kōpikopiko atu ki te hono-i-wairua.
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