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Paul Sutherland

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Built on a detailed farm map, MitAgator’s software gives a spatial view of where contaminant losses are occurring and identifies critical source areas (CSAs). Targeting mitigation actions to CSAs is six to seven times more cost-effective than an untargeted approach. MitAgator allows mitigation scenarios to be validated and targeted more precisely, improving their cost-effectiveness.

The algorithms driving this tool came from the MBIE programme Clean Water, Productive Land, led by Our Land and Water chief scientist Prof Rich McDowell from 2010 to 2016, and from 2016 from research funded or co-funded by Our Land and Water.

Source: Does variable rate irrigation decrease nutrient leaching losses from grazed dairy farming? McDowell RW. International Journal of Water Resources Development, December 2017
Balancing water-quality threats from nutrients and production in Australian and New Zealand dairy farms under low profit margins. January 2017 Animal Production Science . DOI:10.1071/AN16646
The mitigation of phosphorus losses from a water-repellent soil used for grazed dairy farming. R.W. McDowell, , W. Catto, NLS McDowell

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