Resources for

Regional Authorities

Paul Sutherland

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People in local government can help farms operate in ways that ensure the health of our land and water. Our resources can help you increase your local community’s understanding of the drivers for regulation, undertake effective collaboration, and improve decision-making in catchments.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 51 results
Journal Article

Water quality issues facing dairy farming: potential natural and built attenuation of nitrate losses in sensitive agricultural catchments

We developed a conceptual catchment-scale modelling analysis assessing potential natural and built attenuation of nitrate losses from dairy farming in the Tararua and Rangitikei catchments…
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Climate Change Impacts on Land Use Suitability – webinar

This webinar discusses the potential impacts of climate change on pastoral, arable and horticultural farm systems, and appropriate adaptation measures. Anne-Gaelle is leading the Climate…
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Heartland Strong: How Rural New Zealand can Change and Thrive

This book, based on years of research, shows how, and provides useful insights into, the ongoing process of change in rural communities and the resources…
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Journal Article

Does collaborative governance increase public confidence in water management? Survey evidence from NZ

Collaborative decision-making is widely understood as a democratic corrective to top-down forms of environmental management; it is a way in which citizens can contribute local…
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Think ‘Outside the Room’ When Collaborating with Community

Involving small groups of community members in local government decisions doesn’t mean the wider community will trust those decisions. Increasing trust may require engagement with…
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Revealing Groundwater’s Denitrification Capacity

A new way to measure denitrification in groundwater has been proved, and could make analysing groundwater’s denitrification capacity more accessible for regional councils and farmers.…
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Method for measuring denitrification in groundwater

Groundwater contains dissolved nitrogen gas (from both the air and denitrification), and dissolved argon and neon gases (which come only from the air). By extracting…
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The denitrification process

Denitrification is a natural process that reduces the amount of nitrate entering rivers and other freshwater bodies. In some groundwater systems, microorganisms turn nitrate into…
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Denitrification completeness is related to oxygen

Groundwater denitrification varied across the sites studied by the Benign Denitrification in Groundwaters project. The main end product of groundwater denitrification (nitrogen gas or nitrous…
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Interactive Tool

Map of Total Nitrogen Excess and Reduction Potential

An interactive map shows the total nitrogen (TN) in excess of current national rules and the potential for mitigation strategies to reduce TN losses from…
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More diverse, resilient, healthy landscapes by 2030 – webinar

Farmers, growers and all those who care for our land want to help build a resilient, healthy and thriving agri-food and fibre system. The role…
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Quantifying Excess Nitrogen Loads in Fresh Water

At least 43% of New Zealand’s agricultural land (31% of New Zealand’s total land area) is in catchments that are under pressure (‘pressure’ meaning the…
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