Resources for

Regional Authorities

Paul Sutherland

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People in local government can help farms operate in ways that ensure the health of our land and water. Our resources can help you increase your local community’s understanding of the drivers for regulation, undertake effective collaboration, and improve decision-making in catchments.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 190 results

Summary: Overseas Market Potential for NZ Regenerative Agriculture

A 1-page visual summary of a suggested approach to identify the market potential for New Zealand’s ‘regenerative’ practice.
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Summary: One Whenua, One Health Framework

A 2-page visual summary of the One Whenua, One Health concept and it’s potential relevance for assessing Regenerative farms.
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Summary: Farm Economic Metrics for Regenerative Agriculture

A 1-page visual summary of a suggested approach to assess the return of regenerative farming businesses.
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Regenerative Agriculture in Aotearoa NZ – Research Pathways to Build Science-Based Evidence and National Narratives

This white paper sets out 17 priority research topics and introduces 11 principles for regenerative farming in New Zealand. The white paper is the result…
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The Spatial Awareness Project

Aotearoa New Zealand from 100 meters in 100 Seconds. From Cape Reinga to Gore, this film explores the variety of NZ landscapes. It asks an…
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Guidance for Catchment Groups to Develop Farm Plans

Printable 4-step plan for catchment groups to develop effective farm plans (PDF, 1 page). To make farm plans an effective tool for improving waterways, we…
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Four Steps to Develop Connected Local Farm Plans

To make farm plans an effective tool for improving waterways, we propose a four-step approach based on collective action delivered by catchment groups. Planning together…
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Designing Effective Farm Environment Plans

We have prepared a guidance document for people who need to design effective FEPs, FEP templates and processes. It proses a four-step approach and makes…
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Stressor-Response Framework

Illustrating the relationship between land use, stressor type, stressor level and impacts
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Journal Article

The impact of cattle grazing and treading on soil properties and the transport of phosphorus, sediment and E. coli in surface runoff from grazed pasture

Contaminant loss from grazed pasture can negatively affect freshwater quality. There is, however, little data on the impact of different levels of grazing/treading on contaminant…
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Drought: Farm Profits and Community Resilience

This webinar looked at the strong relationship between more intense future drought and drops in farm profit, and how we might identify vulnerable rural communities…
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Drought: What Does the Future Look Like for Farmers and Growers?

This webinar covered recent drought projections for New Zealand to the end of this century, describing a wetter west and drier east (particularly in winter),…
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