Resources related to

Te Ao Māori

Anna Menedez, Truestock

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These resources describe how Māori ethics and values can drive entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in primary production. Tangata Tiriti can explore this topic to deepen their understanding of te ao Māori (the Māori world view).


Editable diagrams and icons

This editable PowerPoint pack of diagrams and Te Taiao focused icons was originally created for Our Land and Water researchers but can be used by…
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Overview of Regenerative Agriculture in Aotearoa

The 1st webinar in a series of 5 about regenerative agriculture in New Zealand, held on 26 October 2021. Speakers: Dr Gwen Grelet (Manaaki Whenua…
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Te Mana o te Wai: Case Study Overview

This summary provides an overview of the experiences of the four mana whenua case studies involved in implementing Te Mana o Te Wai. The case…
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Mātauranga Māori Wānanga Overview Report

Che Wilson convened wānanga gathering whānau from around the motu to create a space to discuss and further extend our understanding of the whakapapa and…
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Te Mana o te Wai Training Programme for Regional Councils

The Te Mana o Te Wai Training Programme has been developed as a minimum training standard for those with statutory roles within, or proximate to,…
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Te Mana o te Wai Factsheet 1: hapū and Iwi

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an introduction to Te Mana o Te Wai, the opportunities it presents for Iwi and hapū,…
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Te Mana o te Wai Factsheet 2: Māori Landowners

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an introduction to Te Mana o Te Wai, the opportunities it presents for Iwi and hapū,…
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Te Mana o te Wai Factsheet 5: Monitoring and Enforcement

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an introduction to Te Mana o Te Wai, its relationship to the National Objectives Framework, and…
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Te Mana o te Wai Audit Tool

This audit tool has been developed to support councils and mana whenua to work together to assess how both sets of organisations are prepared for…
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Rangatiratanga o te Wai Facilitation Programme

The Rangatira o Te Wai Facilitation Programme has been developed to assist and empower iwi, hapū and mana whenua to prepare for Te Mana o…
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Te Mana o te Wai Guidelines for Mana Whenua

These guidelines have been developed for a range of users; however, it is primarily focused on guidelines that would benefit whānau, hapū and iwi. Local…
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Journal Article

Supporting the design of useful and relevant holistic frameworks for land use opportunity assessment for indigenous people

Choices about how to use land are critical to efforts to manage water quality in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Māori and non-Māori communities need decision-making frameworks that…
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